Governor Communications

Governor Mark

The governors of Osborne Nursery School were awarded the Governor Mark in July 2017. This national award is a kite mark which provides external evaluation of the quality of governance in a school. Governors have continued since then to use the tools and knowledge gained through completing this award to continue to develop.


Governors Equality Statement

As governors we will promote equality of access and opportunity, positive attitudes and good relationships between people with different backgrounds, genders, cultures, faiths, abilities and ethnic origins. Equality runs through everything that happens at our school. As part of this, governors will ensure that all our discussions, initiatives, policies and decisions promote equality of opportunity and oppose all forms of discrimination, including the protected characteristics of:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender
  • Race & Nationality
  • Religion or belief
  • Pregnancy
  • Marriage
  • Gender Identity
  • Sexual orientation

Governor Minutes

If you would like to see copies of the non-confidential parts of our governor minutes please ask at the school office.

Governor Documents

Please click on the document below to read the latest communication from our Governors:

At the end of each academic year, our governors evaluate the impact they have had on the school and set themselves actions for their development over the next year; linked to the school’s strategic objectives. Please click on the documents below to see the impact of the governors over the past few years: